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Kindergarten Art




A printing lesson after learning about Andy

Warhol and pop art.  Ink and plastic crayon.













Penguins painted in the style of Georges

Seurat.  A lesson in pointillism and warm

and cool colors.  Acrylic.











Seahorses.  A fun lesson in holding and

loading a paintbrush as well as how to

achieve different types of brushstrokes.  












Cave Art- A look at cave art from the Ice Age

and the significance of animals and

handprints in cave art.  Watercolor & pastel













A study of the artist, Joan Miro, and his use

of line and color.  Watercolor and pastel.                                         














Kindergartners read books by and looked at

the illustrations of Eric Carle and then tried

their hand at a collage similar to his style.

Mixed medium












After reading the book, Action Jackson,

the Kindergartners painted like Jackson

Pollock.  We then read about color and its

effect on art and mood and the students 

used their newfound knowledge to title

their "action" painting.  Tempera.










Ceramic baskets and polymer clay eggs

were the perfect clay project for Spring.

They used the coil method to build their 

ceramic basket, learned about scoring and

slipping to attach clay, and glazing.











These adorable watercolor paintings were

a lesson in how to paint using the

wet-on-wet watercolor technique.  Students

also had to use analogous colors (or colors

next to each other on the color wheel) when











Using Model Magic clay, Kindergartners got

a lesson in three dimensional art or sculpture.

The focus was on form and shape.













Using a mixed media approach, the students

made these adorable sea turtle pictures.  They

used soft pastel for the backgrounds and 

printed the turtles with bubblewrap.












Kindergartners made pinch pots out of clay

and glazed them!

Using a stencil, kindergartners experimented with

a different technique to create the hills of a desert

with soft pastels.  A little mixed media experiment!

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